2023 Trojans Club AGM
22 November 2023
Minutes Trojans AGM 22/11/23
· There were 27 members in attendance and 2 non members
· Apologies were noted.
· The board report was received. There were no questions or matters of clarification.
· The 2022 accounts were received and approved by members
· All director rule changes and variations (see board report) were approved by members
· It was resolved by members to approve the following statement. “Members agree to approve a lease with padel stars for 25 years as per the terms of the lease agreement.” The following Q&A
· How much money are we likely to make on an annual basis ?
· Whilst in the recommendation it states a range of values there is a per court per year figure which is index linked. In addition to this we get a service charge which is a reasonable proportion of the fixed and variable costs of supporting the running of the trojans club, such as maintenance of the lane or office staffing costs.
· Who are the people who we are working with?
· We went through a tender process, and chose Padel stars because they were a good fit. They are looking for locations like us, working with sports clubs, and have us and another location in Bracknell where they are working with a golf centre on the same basis, sharing facilities and using land which is not core to the business.
· What happens if they go bust, and what happens if break clause occurs ?
· If they go bust, we would acquire the facility back, equally if the break clause occurs.
· Subject to padel starting to build in January what date will they open?
· The build plan is 3 months so we would aim to be open at the start of April if we start the build in January.
· Is there any deals for trojans members?
· Yes there will be an introductory deal, a free period of play (eg a month or two or more) or discounted courts. We have yet to decide on exact details.
· Is it booked by membership or pay and play?
· It is essentially pay and play. You can book courts without being a member. If you are a member (and the annual fee is about £100+ TBD) you get discounted court prices and early booking rights.
· Will there be trial events for current non players of the sport?
· Yes we will be doing free introductory sessions to assess levels / explain the sport.
· How are we looking to replace the cricket nets?
· The replacement of the cricket nets on a like for like basis is something that we are aiming to do, and are working with the cricket section to identify what is needed. NLB has met with some suppliers, and is gathering quotes, but club needs to work with cricket to identify what is needed and source delivery.
· How are padel helping to fund cricket nets?
· We are discussing with them how this would work, it may be through use of their developer, or through savings the club can offer in build costs etc.
· What are timing issues with devt with regards the cricket season ?
· Club appreciates that nets are a core to the section remaining viable, and intention is to replace before training starts, so will work with cricket to deliver asap in order to put in place.
· Do we need planning permission for installation of new nets?
· Location of nets is shown in planning permission document, and referred to as part of the planning permission documents, but CW will check with TVBC to make sure what else if anything is required.
· Is there space for new nets in location shown?
· NLB has met with ECB accredited supplier, who has said yes, but that it would be worth getting some advice from an arboriculturist. NLB to follow up.
· If the nets are not ready by start of the season would the club overall support costs of hire elsewhere?
· In principle yes; subject to a business plan and case from the section
· The Trojan of the year award was presented to Stefan Hargrave. There were many people that the award could have been given to and a number were named from across the club as very strong contenders.
· It was noted that James Laird was standing down as a director. The Following appointments were approved
· Mike Watts was re elected as President & Chair of the Board of Directors
· Nigel Le Bas was re elected as Finance Director
· New appointment as Directors of Kae-Ley Morris & Richard Congreve
· Simon Dancer was elected for a further 3 years Campbell Williams for a final term of 2 years and Mike Murray for a further term of 1 year
· A vote of confidence in the remaining directors was expressed