About Us

The Trojans Club is a community-based amateur sports club. This means the members run the club for the members and it is open to everyone within the local community, with some of the best sporting facilities in Hampshire and boasting the most members.
As well as a vibrant sports membership, social activities at Trojans are also a key part of being a member.
The bar and catering is run in-house, offering food and drinks throughout the day as well as for team meals and sports festivals. We are also home to the Muddy Boots café offering hot drinks and snacks. Each year there are many special events organised by the different sports sections.
The facilities can be booked for private functions by members or non-members.
Trojans is owned and run by its members and each of the sports run its own section from the shared premises. No matter which sport you choose to play, you will be a member of Trojans Club and enjoy all of its benefits.
You will find a wonderful welcome at Trojans.
The Board
Each year the Board reports to the Annual General Meeting, and the voluntary positions are filled. The Board is made up of the Chairman, Company secretary and up to 10 other Directors, all sports sections are represented in some capacity and each sport Chair is invited to attend the regular Board meetings.
The Board sets the vision for the Club's future, ensuring the safety of all members and visitors playing sport at Stoneham Lane while keeping a watchful eye on the financial health of the club. This enables each sport section to concentrate on delivering top coaching and the ability for its players to participate in whatever level of competitive environment suits them.
Membership is open to all.
Membership | Trojans Rugby Club
Membership | Trojans Hockey Club
Membership | Trojans Squash & Racketball
Membership | Trojans Cricket Club
The membership subscription is to the Trojans Club as a whole which is a limited by guarantee company. The requirement to guarantee £1 in the event of insolvency applies to all voting members.
The membership subscription is to the Trojans Club doesn’t include Padel or Gym membership.
All members (voting and non-voting) are bound by the Articles of Association (see below) of the Company and agree to comply with all of the company's rules, regulations and codes (including those that are section specific).
The club incorporated in 2018. The Articles of Association govern the Company.
The running of the company is determined by its rules which are consistent with the articles. These may be amended by the directors and ratified/noted at an Annual General Meeting.
The current directors of the Company are as listed below:
President & Chair of the Board – Mike Watts
Finance Director – Nigel Le Bas
Director & Deputy Chair* – Campbell Williams
Director - Richard Congreve
Director – Simon Dancer
Director – Stefan Hargrave
Director – Kae-Ley Morris
Director – Michael Murray
Director – Piero Perera
*Deputy Chair nominated by President after AGM
Club Policies
Policies are reviewed regularly in accordance with our Policies Review Policy.
Trojans Club Guarantee Declaration Form
Simple Explanation of Current Club Structure July 2021
Company policies apply to issues such as employment, member conduct and health & safety. The Company is also associated via its sections to the sport governing bodies' guidelines on policies and procedures. (see section pages)
The club’s Safeguarding Policies apply to all members.
All volunteers and those employed to work with children must complete and submit a Role Acceptance Form before doing so.
Code of conduct
All members agree to follow the club's Code of Conduct when becoming a member.
The company (including its sections) only collects and keeps data for specific purposes as required in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. This is set out in the club's Privacy Policy.