Trojans Club Membership Policy
The Trojans Club (the Club) seeks to ensure a safe, diverse, inclusive, enjoyable and financially viable environment where multiple sports (run by sections) and membership can thrive . To ensure you know your rights and responsibilities as a member when joining the Trojans Club it is important that you read and understand this Agreement.
1. Principle Terms
1.1 This Agreement commences/re commences once you have filled out a membership form either in hard copy or online, this would be as a new member not at renewal. If your membership is not paid within 3 months of your renewal date, your membership and all benefits therein will be deemed to have lapsed.
1.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply to the terms of this Agreement and the code of conduct outlined by the Board.
1.3 You are entitled to all the rights and privileges for the membership category chosen/applicable.
1.4 Different membership types entitle members to different benefits. These are set out in full on the website.
1.5 You are required to be a member in order to represent a team, or attend training sessions, in any section.
1.6 Members are responsible for their behaviour when representing their sports section, when they are also representing The Trojans Club.
1.7 Membership does not guarantee you a regular place in a specific team or squad. Team selection is a section responsibility.
1.8 The Club is a company limited by guarantee. On becoming a member each member agrees to guarantee the obligations of the Club up to £1.00.
The Club's articles of association ("Articles") govern the Club and set out the rights and obligations of members. The Articles are a public document and a copy is available on the Club website under policies. As set out in the Articles, members must at all times comply with all of the Club's codes and rules including in particular:
(a) The safeguarding rules;
(b) Club Code of Conduct;
2. Fees and Charges
2.1 The member shall pay the standard charges for Trojans Club membership. The member will also pay any such charges and penalties which are set out in the Rules of Membership. All relevant charges are set out on the Trojans Club website
2.2 For new members your new membership form must be accompanied by the first periodic subscription.
2.3 Use of the Club facilities, relative to your membership will be withheld while a debt remains on a members account.
2.4 The Board reserves the right to review its prices annually.
2.5 Sports club membership does not permit you to have inclusive use of all facilities.
2.6 Club kit is available to purchase for all members.
3. Freezing your membership
3.1 The freezing or suspension of paid membership is at the discretion of the Board and will only be considered in the event of illness or injury.
4. Terminating your Membership
4.1 A member may request to terminate the Agreement if he/she suffers an injury or medical conditions which substantially impacts on the member’s ability to use the sports club activities. This must be done in writing with at least 7 clear days of wishing to terminate. Membership is NOT transferable. Any termination in accordance with this clause will be at the Board’s sole discretion. The Board reserves the right to request appropriate evidence of injury or illness. A refund of membership maybe awarded but this at the discretion of the board.
4.2 The Board may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect if, in the reasonable opinion of the Board, a member causes serious or repeated annoyance, or nuisance to any member or club employee/volunteer, or guests from another club, or brings the reputation of the Club into disrepute or fails to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Please read the Constitution on The Companies House website for further details of membership
Proof of Membership
You may be asked to prove membership when challenged by an officer of the Club. As a paid up member your details will be on the Trojans Club membership database.
6. Limitation of Liability
6.1 As part of your club membership, you are covered under an Allianz Insurance Plan Group Policy which covers you purely for public liability whilst on the premises. It does not cover you for injury. For full details of policy coverage and how to claim, please visit:
6.4 You must have paid, in full or part, any membership fee to a sports club, as outlined on the Clubs website, to be covered by the group policy as outlined in clause 6.1.
7. General Terms
7.1 You agree to comply with the Rules of Membership which are displayed on the Club’s website and relate to opening hours, use of the facilities and your conduct. The Board may make any reasonable changes to these rules at any time provided it gives you advance notice of the change by displaying the rules on the Club noticeboard. If the Board makes a significant permanent change to the opening hours or facilities available, you may cancel your Agreement with effect from the date of the change, except in exceptional circumstances where these changes are forced by local authority or government legislation. You must give notice of cancellation within one month of publication of the change. The Club will refund to you any fees paid for the period since the change was in force.
7.2 The Club will allow you to use the facilities in accordance with your sport section membership type.
7.3 You agree to advise the Club immediately of any change to the Members details held on the membership database.
7.4 This Agreement is governed by English Law.
7.5 In the event that a single term, condition or rule of membership is found to be unenforceable, all other terms, conditions and rules shall remain unaffected.
7.6 Your right to change, suspend or transfer your membership is waived if you fail to make a payment in accordance with the terms set out in this Agreement and your account is in default. The Club may, at its discretion, reinstate any of these rights in the event that your default is rectified to the Clubs satisfaction.
The Club may use your personal data to contact you regarding your membership, via the Trojans Club Membership database The Club may also use CCTV to monitor its premises for security purposes. (You consent to having your photograph taken for identification via the membership database). By taking a membership with any sports section you consent to the use of your personal data in this manner. Please see the relevant Privacy Policy for your section and sport on the website.